Humans are known to be driven by visual stimulation, imagery makes a big difference to them and for them. Eyes innately focus on objects that stand out from the surroundings may it be due to the color, shape or something unique that hasn’t been seen before. It is definitely going to pique interests within the viewer.
Animation is no more being used as a form of art but as an element that works as an essential tool for effective interaction. Animations increase user experience, given that it is being used in the right manner and at the right time.
Description of a functional animation
Functional animations are subtle, they transition slowly through movements and changes within scenes. The deeply embedded UI designs enable the animations to be functional. One of the basic purposes of UI design is to decrease the cognitive pressure, making concepts easier to comprehend; no matter how intense or detailed they are. Apart from that, they allow the viewer to have a clear outlook on the content that is being presented within the animation. And last but least, they form a bond between the audience and the brand that is presenting the animated video to represent themselves with.
Although, the user interface is required to be intuitive and proactive and human like. And functional animations allow you to attain those factors.
Influence of functional animations on users
Having a good design is going to help you gain feedback and aid you with interaction. Making it easier to relate and connect with one another. The one behind the screen and the one who created the content on the screen, the animation maker.
Features such as buttons and controls should be substantial, even though they are not directly present over there. Visual and motion elements can lessen the gap between inputs and animation that appear as direct manipulation. Not just that, visual feedbacks are crucial because they inform the users regarding results based on the operations. And in cases where operations have not been done properly, functional animation comes up with ways to resort the issues efficiently and through an easy way. For example, when an incorrect password is entered there appears an animation that shakes the given password; indicating that the given information is not the same as per the requirements. And that is very much similar to headshakes that deduce that it’s a ‘no’.
Visibility of statuses
Visibility of statuses is one of the important parts to a user interface. Users are keen about their context within the system at any moment and applications should be able to provide them with the needed information proactively, without making them wait.
Data uploading and downloading processes are one of the best examples of functional animations. A good example of this would be the bars we receive upon processing a download, this enables the user to be aware of the stage they’re at. Not just that, it also gives them a chance to pay attention to the important status changes within the application or sites. The same can be said with the incoming call animation that vibrates upon receiving calls or email pop ups that change based on the inbox.
Visual hints of animations
First time users might often require assistance when it comes to understand applications interfaces. This is very common amongst unfamiliar or unique interactions that are entirely new. And due to that, users often mistaken on what they’re supposed to do.
As far as teaching users about the UI that has been incorporated, you should be able to provide visual hints within your animations that you have used within your application. This sort of functional animation gives an alert to the user that they’re supposed to act accordingly and how to go an about a process. Visual hints can also guide the users by demonstrating functionalities within the designs and how they operate.
Due to this, the application is going to increase its functionality and level of usability along with desirability of the given product.
Now that you know how functional animations work, you too can implement them accordingly and make your animations more useful.